Hello and Welcome to the Chrysalis Care blog spot

Chrysalis Care is an independent fostering provider, looking after children in London and the home counties. We have been operating since 1997 and have an ‘outstanding’ reputation.

As you will be aware there are many issues and topics highlighted by the media regarding looked after children, foster care, social services and children not being taken into care with tragic consequences.

The Chrysalis Care blog spot will be a forum where some of these topics, issues and other thoughts associated with fostering and looked after children will be discussed by staff, foster carers and perhaps some young people. I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to comment.

Allé Pflaumer, Director

Friday, 23 September 2011

More for less?

In the current climate of austerity, it would be tempting to go down the road of ‘gloom and doom’. There is no doubt that everyone is required to ‘tighten their belt’ and for an organisation like Chrysalis Care, which works on the basis of being inclusive and child centred, it presents challenges to us. Commissioners want to know what we are doing to save money….and understandably want to know whether we can do what we do for less? The challenges are for us all, as a cross sector, interagency team.

It is important to us to maintain our high quality service, to remain outstanding and to be true to our core ethos and identity. It is also important to remember to remain optimistic and hopeful in the face of adversity. By remaining optimistic, we are in a stronger position to be creative and responsive. To remember that what we are doing IS in the best interests of the child and that our belief in children and their rights to a positive experience and a future where they are able to realise their potential, is why we do what we do.
Doing more for less may be a challenge but doing more because children and young people deserve it is absolutely still the right thing to do.

Joanna Oliver, Strategic Development Executive