Hello and Welcome to the Chrysalis Care blog spot

Chrysalis Care is an independent fostering provider, looking after children in London and the home counties. We have been operating since 1997 and have an ‘outstanding’ reputation.

As you will be aware there are many issues and topics highlighted by the media regarding looked after children, foster care, social services and children not being taken into care with tragic consequences.

The Chrysalis Care blog spot will be a forum where some of these topics, issues and other thoughts associated with fostering and looked after children will be discussed by staff, foster carers and perhaps some young people. I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to comment.

Allé Pflaumer, Director

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Growing children.......is letting them go

The role of the foster carer is awe inspiring. A significant factor in their role is in caring for a child and ensuring they feel a genuine sense of belonging and acceptance, yet also being ready to let go of the child when the time is right. That right time may not always feel right and may not always actually be right...it may be influenced by limited access to resources, or an unwelcome change in the child's circumstance. If fortunate, the right time will be when the child is ready to move on; When they are ready to leave behind the part of their lives that has served them thus far; When they are ready to move on to develop the skills needed to make a potential future life change.

The story of Tony, who is the teenager with autism profiled in a recent BBC4 programme, epitomised this perfectly. It is inevitably difficult for most parents or care givers to say goodbye to the life they shared with their child, especially when that life has been as colourful and multi dimensional as the one that I imagine Tony shared with his family. The overriding factor must have to be what is in the best interests of the child, as Tony's mum recognised, as she dropped him off to his new home in a small, residential provision. Fighting back tears and offering watery smiles, she proclaimed how happy she was for her son to be starting 'a new phase in his life' and as she poignantly and honestly added, 'and so are we'. Bravo.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01lyczl for a link to the programme and bbc.co.uk/actionline for more information

Joanna Oliver
Strategic Development Executive

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Care Home kids…..looking for love….

What fantastic TV viewing this recent BBC3 programme made . Ashley Jean-Baptiste is an incredibly compelling presenter, whose passion for the subject area is undeniable. Knowing a little about his story and his affinity with the young people he spoke with, made the programme believable – a real ‘slice of life’. As someone who has succeeded through the care system and knows all too well the impact of a childhood spent in foster homes and residential childrens’ homes, Ashleigh conveyed to us the pain of being a ‘care home kid’, who fundamentally just wanted to belong somewhere, to someone.....

……yet, he embodies the characteristics of a modern day hero – who came through that pain with a strong religious faith, an inspirational formal education and a wonderful humility and empathy for the circumstances that others, including his own mother, experience. This is a definite must see programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01l92z5/Care_Home_Kids_Looking_for_Love/.

Well done BBC and thank you to Ashleigh and the other young people in the programme for giving so much of yourselves to highlight the plight of children and young people who are looked after. The closing comments made by Ashleigh were most striking and serve as a reminder to all of us who may be exposed to demotivation, demoralisation and perhaps even desensitisation – especially in the face of ‘efficiency savings’: “In the care system, the main thing should be love”.

Joanna Oliver

Strategic Development Executive